Patlabor - The Mobile Police TV Series is a 1989 anime television series created by Headgear and Sunrise. It is the second animated adaptation of the Mobile Police Patlabor. It begins the Television Timeline and is followed by the Patlabor: The New Files OVA.
Theme Songs[]
- Sonomama no Kimi de ite (そのままの君でいて, Please be as you were) by Yuko Nitou (episodes 1-34)
- Condition Green ~Emergency Launch~ (コンディション・グリーン~緊急発進~, Condition Green ~Kinkyuu Hasshin~) by Hiroko Kasahara (epìsodes 35-47)
- Midnight Blue (ミッドナイト ブルー) by KISS ME QUICK (episodes 1-34)
- Probability of Paradise (パラダイスの確率, Paradise no Kakuritsu) by JA-JA (episodes 35-47)
Episode Guide[]
- Ingram Activated
- Kanuka Has Come
- This is SV2
- Head to the Mountain of Mystery!
- Runaway Labor X-10!
- The Tower: SOS
- Glorious Type 97 Modified