Patlabor: The New Files (機動警察パトレイバー2 ) is a Japanese OVA series based on the Patlabor anime franchise taking place after the TV Series. The episodes take place at several points between episodes of Patlabor: The TV Series and after the latter's final episode. The OVA episodes also feature the conclusion of the Griffon story arc.
- Griffin Resurrected
- A Bad Day
- Schaft's Counterattack
- 90% Viewer Rate
- The Greatest Showdown in History
- Black Trinary
- Game Over
- The Seven Days of Fire
- Versus
- The Name is Amnesia
- The Day Goma Came in from the Rain
- Our Karuizawa
- The Dungeon Again
- Snow Rondo
- The Woman Who Came from the Stars
- All Quiet from the SV2