Patlabor Wiki

SITE NOTICE (August 10, 2024)

Happy Patlabor Day, everyone! I’d like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of our volunteer editors who have so diligently worked to improve this wiki over the last year. Let’s keep it up!

Wisdom and courage to all,


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Patlabor Wiki

The Type-M5 Abraham is a military labor jointly developed by Schaft Enterprises USA (SEUSA) and the United States Army. It is intended to fill the gaps left by the Military Labor Type 7B "Brocken", produced by Schaft Enterprises Europe (SEE), and is notable for its heavy armor and firepower. It is used by Schaft Security System (SSS), the US Army, and the US Marine Corps as a frontline combat unit.

Design & Development[]

This machine was manufactured on order from the Department of Defense and is America's first domestically produced labor. The M-5 Abraham was purpose-designed to act as a military combat labor. It's armor is made of advanced composite materials and is nearly all-encompassing, ensuring protection from almost every angle. The biggest feature is it's bulletproof nature, which is unusual for most labors of the time. The abnormally large leg armor and the armor variations prepared for each climate and humidity are symbolic of this, and the idea is that if you get hit by a small arms weapon, you don't have too much in regards to damage.

The lightness of carbon composites allows the armor to offer much greater strength and durability than steel plate of the same weight, further increasing the machine's durability. While the Abraham is not as dexterous or powerful as the Brocken, its lighter weight and smaller form factor lend it considerable agility of its own. Like the model 7B/2B Brocken, the Abraham can be stored and transported in a basic shipping container, allowing it to be easily and efficiently transported and deployed.

As can be seen from this point, it seems that the Ministry of Defense is positioning the military Labor as more of a "general-purpose AFV with plenty of room for performance'' than "peak performance.'' Naturally, this would require a sufficient number of labors and armaments, which would mean relying on quantity, but for the United States military, which has the world's largest military budget, this was manageable. In fact, many of these machines are still being issued to the country's Army and Marine Corps, and they are still operating in favorable conditions. "This is an interesting aircraft, typical of the United States, which was the leader of the automobile industry, unable to compete with F1.''


Empty Weight: 7.20 tons

Maximum Operating Weight: 7.60 tons

Maximum Lifting Capacity: 4.20 tons

Minimum Revolving Radius: 5.50 meters

Armor Material: Composite Armor; Carbon Fiber Reinforced Materials

Operational Use[]

The Abraham was first deployed by the US Army as a frontline combat labor, and its small size and ease of transport led the US Marines to adopt it as well. Schaft Security System (SSS), Schaft's own private army, also acquired a number of Abrahams for its own forces.

The most notable operation involving the Abraham was SSS' mission to capture the Type J-9 Griffon at the Tokyo Harbor Gate. A combined force of ground troops, armored units, and Abraham labors attempted to secure the black labor, but despite their reputation as a high-performing unit, were unable to even damage it. The Abrahams sent on the mission were all destroyed, resulting in the withdrawal of SSS forces and the intervention of the Metropolitan Police.


